Today is 12 of March, Wednesday
Санкт-Петербург −2°C


1930 — University was organized by the Decree № 237, June, 23 1930 of the Central Executive Committee and Advice of National Commissioners of the USSR as the Moscow hydrometeorological institute.

1941 — it was reorganized by the Order № 6066, August, 16 1941 of Advice of National Commissioners of the USSR as the High military hydrometeorological institute of Red Army and is evacuated to Leninabad in October.

1943 — it was returned from evacuation to Moscow.

1944 — it was transferred to Leningrad (now Saint-Petersburg).

1945 — it was reorganized as the Leningrad hydrometeorological institute (LHMI).

1992 — it was renamed by the Decision № 50, February, 18, 1992 of the State Committee of a the science, the higher school and a technical policy of the Russian Federation as the Russian State hydrometeorological institute (RSHI).

1995 — according of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the World meteorological organization (WMO) from January, 25, 1995, RSHI received the status of the Regional meteorological educational centre of the World meteorological organization.

1997 — was open first version of that web-site.

1998 — RSHI received the university status and renamed to the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU).

2006 — RSHU signed the “Magna Charta universitatum”.

  Russian State Hydrometeorological University Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Voronezhskaya ulitsa, 79
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