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Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University.
A theoretical research journal.

ISSN 2074-2762

The last issue
(Issue No. 57)

The issues contain the articles of University staff and invited experts on a wide range of scientific activities of the University.

The papers are grouped by specialities. The main attention is paid to the problems of climate change, physical processes in atmosphere and ocean, hydrological research, economicand social mechanisms of environmental management. In the "Chronicle" section of the Journal the major events of the University life are reported.

The Journal is dedicated for scientists researching the environment, nature economists, post-graduate students, and students studying these specialties.

 Terms of publication in the RSHU Proceedings Journal

 Questionnaire of the Author

 Contract for the right to use scientific work in the RSHU Proceedings Journal

 Regulations on reviewing scientific articles in the RSHU Proceedings Journal

The Editorial Board:
Chilingarov A.N., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of RSHU — Chairman
Mikheyev V.L., Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Assistent Professor, Rector of RSHU — Vice-Chairman
Mushket I.I., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector RSHU — Vice-Chairman
Vilfand R.M., Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, scientific director of Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russian Federation;
Kuleshov Yu.V., Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, deputy director of Mozhaisky Military Space Academy for academic affairs and research;
Leal W., Dr., Professor of Hamburg University (Germany) and Manchester University (Great Britain);
Mokhov I.I.,  Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Research Department Climatic Processes of IAP RAS;
Rumyantsev V.A., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Institute of Limnology RAS;
Timofeeva A.G., Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Rector of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Roshydromet;
Fedorov M.P., Doctor of Engineering Science, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University;
Filatov N.N., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Water Problems of the North Karelian Research Centre of RAS;
Frolov I.E., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Huaqing Lu, Dr., Professor, vice-rector of Maritime University of Zhejiang (China);
Shapron B., Dr., leading scientist of French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea IFREMER (France);
Yakovenko М.Y., the Head of Roshydromet

Malinin V.N., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor — Editor in Chief
Vorobyev V.N., Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Professor — Deputy Editor in Chief
Shilin M.B., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor — Deputy Editor in Chief
Gaidukova E.V., Candidate of Engineering Sciences — Executive editor
Baryshnikov N.B., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor; Beskid P.P., Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor; Kondratiev S.A., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Kudryavtsev V.N., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor; Ryabchenko V.A., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Smyshlyaev S.P., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor; Timofeev Yu.M., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Ugryumov A.I., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor; Firova I.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor; Shchukin G.G., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Editorial Office address:

Voronezhskaya Ulitsa, 79
192007, Sankt-Peterburg

tel.: +7 812 633-01-88 ext. 421

fax: +7 812 633-01-82


For purchase, please contact the Editorial Staff.
The full list of publications can be found on the web-site
  Russian State Hydrometeorological University Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Voronezhskaya ulitsa, 79
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