Today is 12 of March, Wednesday
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Information on the main editor

Malinin Valeriy Nikolaevich


Малинин Валерий Ðиколаевич

Position: Professor
Degree: Doctor of Geography
Academic title: Professor
Department: UNESCO-IOC Applied Oceanography and Protection of Natural Waters

Biography. In 1972 graduated from the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School named after Admiral Makarov with a degree in Oceanology. After graduation worked at the Institute of Biology of Inland Waters, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), at the State Hydrological Institute. In 1978 successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Since 1982 he has been working at the LSMI (nowadays RSHU), where he went through all the teaching levels: from assistant to professor. In 1994 successfully defended the doctoral thesis «Large-scale moisture exchange in the ocean-atmosphere-land system» at the intersection of the Earth sciences.
Scientific and educational activities. His research interests are global hydrology, physical oceanography, climate change, marine forecasts, statistical hydrometeorology. He is a well-known scientist at home and abroad who has made a significant contribution to the development of a number of new scientific branches at the intersection of various geosciences: oceanology, hydrology, meteorology, climatology, and long-term forecasting methods for various characteristics. The practical implementation of them is publication of 10 monographs and more than 200 articles. For many years he has been the head of grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, of the Committee on Science and Higher School of the St. Petersburg Government, of contractual projects of the leading industry institutions. He pays a lot of attention and effort to educational work and training of highly qualified specialists. 7 textbooks and study guides have been written, and the fundamental textbook «Hydrosphere of the Earth», being essentially an encyclopedia on natural waters, was awarded a diploma at the «300th anniversary of the city - 300 best textbooks» competition. In different years he developed and read  lectures on the courses «The Doctrine of the Hydrosphere», «General Oceanology», «Statistical Methods for Analyzing Hydrometeorological Information», «Multidimensional Statistical Analysis», «Climatology» and others. He is the advisor of a large number of bachelors, specialists, masters, graduate students, 7 theses having been defended under his leadership in recent years .

Scientific and social activities. Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, laureate of the St. Petersburg Government Prize named after M.I. Budyko for 2016 in the field of geography, atmospheric science and hydrosphere for outstanding achievements in science and technology, the head of the leading scientific and pedagogical school of St. Petersburg «The interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere and climate change», the chairman of the dissertation council on hydrology and oceanology and the member of two dissertation councils, editor-in-chief of the scientific and theoretical journal «Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University» included in the Higher Attestation Commission List, member of the editorial board of «Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic» and «Society. Environment. Development» journals included in the Higher Attestation Commission List, head of the scientific and educational center of the Oceanology Faculty, expert of the federal registry of scientific and technical experts.

Selected publications.

Monographs and textbooks:


Smirnov N.P., Malinin V.N. Water balance of the atmosphere as a hydrological task. Leningrad, Publ. Leningrad University,1988. 199 p.

Malinin V.N. Moisture exchange in the ocean-atmosphere system. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1994. 197 p.

Malinin V.N. The problem of predicting the level of the Caspian Sea. St. Petersburg: Publ. RSHMI. 1994. 154 p.

Malinin V.N. General oceanology. Part 1. Physical processes. St. Petersburg: RSHU Publishers, 1998, 348 p.

Zakharov V.F., Malinin V.N. Sea ice and climate. St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2000, 91 p.

Malinin V.N., Chernyshkov P.P., Gordeeva S.M. Canarian upwelling: large-scale variability and prediction of water temperature. St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2002, 154 p.

Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M. Physico-statistical method for predicting ocean characteristics. Murmansk, PINRO Publishers, 2003, 164 p.

Malinin V.N., Radikevich V.M., Gordeeva S.M., Kulikova L.A. The variability of atmospheric vortex activity over the North Atlantic. St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2003. 171 p.

Doganovsky A.M., Malinin V.N. Hydrosphere of the Earth. St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 2004. 630 p.

Malinin V.N. Statistical methods for analyzing hydrometeorological information. St. Petersburg: RSHU Publishers, 2008, 406 p.

Malinin V.N. Gordeeva S.M. Commercial Oceanology of the South-Eastern Pacific. T.1. Habitat variability. St. Petersburg: RSHU Publishers, 2009, 277 p.

Malinin V.N. Global water balance. The current state. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, 158 p.

Malinin V.N. Ocean Level: Present and Future. St. Petersburg: RSHU Publishers, 2012. 260 p.

Gordeeva S.M., Malinin V.N. Variability of the sea level of the Gulf of Finland. St. Petersburg: RSHU Publishers, 2014, 180 p.


Selected articles in recent years:


Malinin V.N., Shevchuk O.I. Evstatic fluctuations of the Global Sea Level in modern climatic conditions // News of the Russian Geographical Society. Vol. 140. Issue 4, p. 20–30.

Malinin V.N. The variability of global water exchange in a changing climate // Water resources. 2009, Vol. 36, No. 1, p. 1-14.

Malinin V.N. Long-term forecasting of the Caspian Sea level // News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ser. Geogr. 2009, No. 6, pp.7-16.

Malinin V.N. Analysis of the trend in the Global Sea Level // News of the Russian Geographical Society, 2010, Vol.142, issue 5, p.1-9.

Karlin L.N., Malinin V.N., Obraztsova A.A. Spatio-temporal changes in the CO2 flux in the ocean – atmosphere system // News of the Russian Geographical Society, 2012. Vol. 144. Issu 5, pp. 27-36.

Karlin L.N., Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M. Variability of hydrophysical characteristics in the Gulf Stream // Oceanology. 2013, vol. 53, No. 4, p. 1–9.

Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M., Glock N.I. On the estimation of the heat content of the World Ocean using satellite data on the temperature of the surface layer of water // Modern Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2013. Vol. 10. No. 3. P. 201–207.

Malinin V.N., Glock N.I. The use of satellite data on the temperature of the surface layer of water to assess the steric fluctuations of the Global Sea Level // Study of the Earth from Space, 2014, No. 3, P.27-32.

Malinin V.N. Global sea level and climate variation // Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. 2015, №41, Р.100-115.

Malinin V.N., Guryanov D.A. Interannual variability of climatic seasons in St. Petersburg // News of the Russian Geographical Society, 2015, Vol. 174, issue 5, p. 17-26.

Karlin L.N., Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M. On the effect of ocean surface temperature on the exchange of carbon dioxide with the atmosphere//Oceanology, 2015, Vol.5, â„–1, P. 16-25.

Malinin, V.N., Gordeeva, S.M., Mitina, Yu.V. The variability of the Neva floods and the sea level in modern climatic conditions // Water Resources, 2015. No. 5, p. 544–557.

Malinin V.N., Vaynovsky P. A., Mitina I. V.Statistical analysis of air temperature in the extra-tropical northern for the last two millennia // Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 2016, №45, Р.169-179.   

Malinin V.N., S.M. Gordeeva, O.I. Shevchuk, Y.V. Mitina, A. A. Ershova. Variations of sea level and global climate in the modern conditions // Proceedings of International Conference "Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world" (EMECS'11 - SeaCoasts XXVI, St. Petetsburg, 22-27.08.2016). Moscow, RIOR Publ., 2016.

Malinin V.N., Vaynovsky P. A., Mitina I. V.Statistical analysis of air temperature in the extra-tropical northern for the last two millennia // Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 2016, №45, С.169-179.   

Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M. The variability of evaporation and precipitation over the ocean according to satellite data // Study of the Earth from space. 2016. No. 4. P.23-34.

Gordeeva S.M., Malinin V.N. Use of Data Mining in hydrometeorological forecasting // Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 2016. № 44. Р. 30—44.

Malinin V.N. Global ecological crisis and climate // Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University // 2017, №48, Р.11-32.

Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M. Variability of Evaporation and Precipitation over the Ocean from Satellite Data // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 934–944.

Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M., Naumov L.M. Atmosphere moisture content as a climate-forming factor // Modern problems of remote sensing of the Earth from space. 2018. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 243-251.

Malinin V.N., Gordeeva S.M., Mitina Yu.V., Pavlovsky A.A. Negative consequences of storm surges and “secular” level growth in the Neva Bay // Water and Ecology. 2018, No. 1, P.48-58.

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